Glen Cove Inaugurations
The Inauguration ceremony of Mayor Tim Tenke and the Glen Cove City Council was a joyous and historic occasion. The Mayor won reelection by a large margin, and Marsha Silverman, the only Democrat on the council at the time, was reelected. The five other Democrats elected are, Dr Eve Lupenko Ferrante, John Perrone, Danielle Fugazy Scagliola, Gaitley Stevenson-Matthews and Rocco Totino.
The ceremony, held at the Wunsch Auditorium, began with the Glen High School Drum line, under the direction of D’Metrius Ferandez, Alum 2014, followed by the Presentation of the Colors with Ceremonial Commander Tony Jimenez and Sgt at Arms Fred Nielson. The participants included the Glen Cove Police Department, American Legion Post 76, VFW Post 347, American Legion Post 1765, Volunteer Fire Dept., Volunteer EMS, Harbor Patrol, Auxiliary Police Dept., and Boy Scout Troop 6.
Robert Lynch, playing the bagpipe, led the procession of the Mayor and City Council members, followed by the politicians, clergy, judges and the Poet Laureate. Members of the Glen Cove High School Select Choral sang the “National Anthem,” with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Eagle Scout Candidates.
Assemblyman Chuck Lavine was Master of Ceremonies. The Rev. Roger Williams, pastor at the First Baptist Church of Glen Cove, gave the invocation.
Mayor Tenke was sworn in by Judge Jeremy Weinstein, who quipped that it takes a few minutes to be sworn in, and then you are sworn at for the rest of your term.
Marsha Silverman was sworn in by Judi Bosworth, North Hempstead Town Supervisor, Gaitley Stevenson-Mathews was sworn in by Judge Joel Meirowitz, and Judge Richard McCord swore in Dr. Eve Lupenko Ferrante, John Perrone , Danielle Fugazy Scagliola , and Rocco Totino .
Senator James Gaughran spoke about the progress made in Glen Cove during Mayor Tim Tenke’s first term. Glen Cove Poet Laureate, Victoria Crosby, read her poem written for the occasion Together We Can...... She also thanked Congressman Tom Suozzi who first appointed her Poet Laureate when he was inaugurated as mayor for his first term, on January 1, 1994. Since then she has written a poem for every mayor in both parties, in addition to poems for other Glen Cove events. Congressman Suozzi reminisced about his younger days in Glen Cove, and long friendship with Tim Tenke. In his inaugural address Mayor Tenke said that the ferry will be in Glen Cove in 2020, and the building in Village Square will open in the spring. Rabbi Irwin Huberman of Congregation Tiferith Israel gave the benediction, followed by a performance of “God Bless America” by the Wilcox Family.
The first city council meeting of 2020 was then held, followed by a celebration at The View Grill.