Cold Spring Harbor Schools to offer Pre-K

By Maureen Daly
The Cold Spring Harbor (CSH) School District will begin to offer pre-kindergarten schooling, starting in the fall of 2024. But the program will not yet be “universal,” with only 36 students enrolled during the first year.
The program will run five hours per day from Monday through Friday, with two classes of 18 children each. No before or after school childcare will be available.
Other than providing lunch and transportation, there will be no cost families of students. Classes will be taught by one certified teacher who will be supported by one teaching assistant.
The Pre-K curriculum will follow the state Education Department Early Education Guidelines.
All district children who are 4 years of age on or before Dec. 1 and are residents of the school district are eligible to participate in the “UPK Lottery.”
The deadline for applications is March 18 by 4PM.
Further details and the link for the lottery application are available on the Cold Spring Harbor CSD website:
The lottery will take place on March 25 at the District Office, 75 Goose Hill Road, Cold Spring Harbor, at 2 p.m. You may attend the lottery drawing in the district office.
The communities of Lloyd Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor and Laurel Hollow are all part of the CSH school district.