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Centre Island Helipad Moratorium

On May 8th, the village board of Centre Island approved a law effective immediately and continuing for a period ending November 18, 2019, that no new requests for a helipad or request to have a helicopter land or take-off in the Village of Centre Island would be processed or considered by the Village. Existing helipads and the landing and take-off of helicopters having all the necessary local, state and federal approvals presently existing may continue during this period. To regulate helipads on Centre Island the village has repeatedly extended the moratorium.

Another proposed law would grandfather in the three helipads existing, including Billy Joel’s and financier Clive Holmes. The hearing, at the same meeting, was postponed because two trustees were absent.

There would be regulations if passed, including monthly limits on flights at 15 take-offs and landings. Clive Holmes, who commutes for work strongly opposed the limitation, and is considering legal action against the Village.

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