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Cold Spring Harbor Merit

(front row semi-finalists) Claire Weis, Anna Tesoriero, Paige Vegna, and Bernhard Nordemann. (back row) Director of Guidance, Justin Arini, Principal, Dr. Jim Bolen, Katherine Brennan, Julia Kopp, Alexa Plancher, Kaitlyn Fare, Julia Wallace, Connor Flynn, Nicholas Aronow, Alexander Brancato, and Superintendent, Robert C. Fenter.                                                  Photo credit: Karen Spehler, Publicist, CSH School District

Congratulations to the following students for being named Commended and Semi-Finalists in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program.

During the fall of their junior year, students across the nation take the PSAT, and the top scores are then established. The National Merit Scholarship Program, dating back to 1955, holds an annual academic competition identifying and honoring these high school students in the U.S. through recognition and college scholarships. Less than 3% of the 1.6 million students in 22,000 high schools who take this test will become a recipient of the awarded Letters of Commendation.

Eight of our students received the honor of Commended status: Nicholas Aronow, Alexander Brancato, Katherine Brennan, Kaitlyn Fare, Connor Flynn, Julia Kopp, Alexa Plancher, and Julia Wallace.

In order to truly appreciate how rare it is to then be identified as a Semi-Finalist, only less than 1% advance as a Semi-Finalist, and this year that honor goes to four students: Bernhard Nordemann, Anna Tesoriero, Paige Vegna, and Claire Weis, who received this distinguished recognition at the high school. Superintendent, Robert C. Fenter shared, “We are very proud of our National Merit Scholarship winners, for this distinction recognizes the hard work and commitment of our students, the support they have received from their parents and teachers, as well as the community support for our fine schools.” Congratulations to all!

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