A Conversation with Vicki Walsh

Vicki Walsh stopped-by The Leader office to talk with us about our community, and her new project – her campaign for an open seat on the Oyster Bay Town Board.
Vicki serves on the Board of the Oyster Bay-East Norwich High School PTA. She is a 20-year resident of East Norwich, having grown-up in Astoria, and lived for several years in Bayside. She works with Laffey Real Estate in East Norwich.
Vicki launched her campaign for Oyster Bay Town Council this past spring, and just hosted a very successful 9/20 fundraiser at Cooper Bluff waterfront restaurant in Oyster Bay.
The Leader: “So Vicki, Why do you want to be on the Town Board ?”
Vicki Walsh: “Oyster Bay is the nicest town in which to live. I am running for town council to help preserve our quality of life. I feared that if I did not step up and run that families like mine would lose so much of what they have worked for. One of my main concerns is that too many kids who grow up in Oyster Bay are forced to move away when they start their own families. I want our children to have the option of raising a family in our own hometown.
In my opinion, the three biggest issues facing Oyster Bay are: Quality of life, community safety including gangs and opioids; and our infrastructure including road repair, and maintenance.”
The Leader: “So what are your priorities, and how are you going to get them done?”
Vicki Walsh: “The best investment and use of time is spent with and on our children. I volunteer with several different groups including the Oyster Bay Elementary PTA, where I have served as President and Board Member on the OBEN High school PTSA and OBEN PTA Council.
I have also served as a Girl Scout and Cub Scout leader, and began the annual Veteran’s Dinner. This pot luck dinner event brings scouts and Veteran’s together, with scouts earning merit badges for their service. I began this because she said that children simply don’t learn to respect Veterans in school. The contributions that our veterans have made to America are incalculable, and our students need to learn that.”
The Leader: “Can you tell us a little about your background ?”
Vicki Walsh: “Yes, I am a wife and mother of three children ages eleven through fourteen, and we have lived in East Norwich for the past twenty years.
I attended St John’s University, and then worked in public relations and banking at Credit Suisse First Boston, and then in public relations at Ketchum Public Relations, before becoming a real estate agent.
I love working in real estate because it connects you to the community. You see so much of how people are living, what their plans and dreams are, and how to help people achieve those plans.”