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Toxic Water in Glen Cove

A report from the nonprofit Environmental Working Group, collaborating with outside scientists, has found toxic and harmful contaminants in local drinking water in Glen Cove.

The Report found Glen Cove’s water contains toxic chemicals linked to cancer, damage to the brain and nervous system, hormonal disruption, problems in pregnancy, and other serious health conditions.

In Glen Cove, the group found 21 toxic contaminants in the city’s water supply from 2012 to 2017, several of which exceeded the environmental group’s health guidelines. The Glen Cove water district serves about 28,000 people.

The following contaminants were detected above recommended health guidelines:

Chromium (hexavalent) Cancerous - 23 times above suggested EWG guideline.

Nitrate - Cancerous - 40 times above suggested guidelines

Radium, combined (-226 & -228) - Cancerous - 18 times above suggested EWG guideline.

Freon 22 - elevated levels were found in two of three water wells off of Duck Pond Rd. in Glen Cove, and were ordered closed by Nassau County last November, 2017 and January, 2018. A new well was installed in 2016 at the Duck Pond The well, is 270 feet underground, draws 14,000 gallons of water per minute from the Magothy Aquifer, which is directly below the well.

A permanent air stripper was to be installed within the next year and a half in another well, that was closed since 2011. It will cost over $4.5 million to complete. The City of Glen Cove is expected to spend millions in the coming years to provide the other city water wells with effective air strippers, that will also take out additional contaminants.

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