Hofstra University Honors Two Local Students

Hofstra University recently revealed its list of honor roll students for the past semester and two local students were acknowledged for their academic achievements.
Sisters and residents of Old Brookville, Camilla and Elisa Grimaldi both earned spots on Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 semester. For context, both ladies maintained a 3.5 GPA or higher throughout the semester. But this isn’t the first time these sisters have been listed on the honor roll. Every semester they’ve attended the private university in Hempstead, both Elisa and Camilla have been on either Dean’s List or Provost’s List, which is maintaining a 4.0 GPA for the entire semester.
Elisa, a senior English major, said of the honor “I’m proud of my accomplishments from this semester, but what makes it even more special is that I can share it with my sister.” While she is graduating in May, Elisa has plans to conclude her college career with an honors thesis and a degree which includes the highest honors with distinction from their Honors College program.
Camilla, a sophomore with junior class standing and biochemistry major said, “It is always very rewarding to be recognized for all the hard work done throughout the semester.” Camilla was also honored this past semester as a recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Book Award, which is awarded to a small number of students who have maintained a 4.0 GPA while exploring classes outside of their major.
Both ladies commute from their family residence and work part-time while keeping up with their heavy school workload.
Congratulations to both girls and best of luck in all of their future endeavors!