Be Aware: Stroke Prevention Month

By Maureen Daly
As we go through Stroke Prevention Month, we should all be mindful about the threats of stroke.
More than 800.000 Americans will suffer a stroke this year. One in four of us will have a stroke during our lifetime.
People with conditions including COPD, Diabetes, Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure are predisposed to strokes. National Stroke Awareness Month and a great time to review the warning signs of a stroke and learn to "B.E.F.A.S.T."
"Be Fast" indicates Balance. Eyes. Face. Arm Speech and Time.
B- Balance Watch for sudden loss of balance.
E- Eyes Check for vision changes
F- Face Look for an uneven smile or droop in face
A- Arm Check for weakness in one arm
S- Speech Listen for slurred speech
T- Time Call 9-1-1 immediately
The American Stroke Associations recommends that if you experience any of the above listed symptoms that you call 9-1-1 immediately.
People can experience strokes at any age. It is better to go to the hospital and have a stroke ruled out than to leave one without treatment.
On average someone dies of a stroke every three- and one-half minutes in the United States. Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term debilitation.
Strokes are the leading cause of preventable disability. When it comes to strokes: time matters.
Immediate action can prevent brain damage and long-term disability. For further information check out