Christmas Saved: “Holiday Spectacular” Back in Downtown Huntington
By Rupert Deedes
Here is a cause for celebration this Christmas - the Huntington “Holiday Spectacular” will be back to its traditional location on Wall Street.
With the support of Northwell Health - and a timely intervention by Huntington Highway Superintendent Andre Sorrentino - the famous 65-foot Christmas Tree will be returning to Wall Street.
According to a Press Release last week from Huntington Supervisor Ed Smyth and Huntington Village Business Improvement District (BID) President Dom Catoggio, “the BID did not initially have the resources to support the tree and the other ancillary services needed for conducting a safe and successful event.”
The downtown event was also canceled due to a legal dispute involving the tree and decorations vendor.
But then Sorrentino brought together the BID and several local business leaders, and they were able to cobble together funds from Northwell Health - and make peace with the vendor.
The financial commitment from Northwell Health made it possible for the BID and the Town of Huntington to fund and continue the event for the third consecutive year at its original location in Huntington Village on Wall Street.
Local law enforcement had originally said the keeping the tree on Wall Street would cause “safety issues” in an emergency, however those concerns were addressed and resolved.
These concerns had led the town to initially decide to move the holiday celebration to the Town Hall and Heckscher Park area.
But with a public outcry and the renewed effort by town officials – the crisis was averted.
“The first responders will all be able to get through, that was a little bit something in our heads we were worried about, making sure the fire trucks, ambulances, police, first responders can get down the road," said Andre Sorrentino. "When we had the park-lets in the road, it was a little difficult."
The Christmas parade will be held on Nov. 26th.