Dems, NAACP Blast Lafazan Police Flip-Flops
by Maureen Daly During the Summer of 2020, Nassau Legislator Joshua Lafazan (D-Syosset) went "all-in" to support Black Lives Matter and their campaign to "defund the police" and launch violent street protests. Lafazan demanded support for the "Black Lives Matter" movement and even sponsored the re-naming of Nassau County buildings after 1960's pro-communist black Brooklyn Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. Lafazan openly courted and coordinated with the "Young Communists of Long Island." Now, in the summer of 2021 - an election year - Lafazan has done a 180 degree turn. He has penned articles expressing his "troubles" with "Defund the Police" and distancing himself from BLM. And he now introduces every legislative item supported by the police unions. His fellow Democrats have noticed - and are not happy with him. Tracey Edwards, the regional head of the NAACP, and a former Democratic Huntington Town Councilwoman, denounced Lafazan this week for his latest flip-flop play to the police unions. "Just when you thought Nassau County couldn't get any worse, Legislator Josh Lafazan and his democratic colleagues are change the Nassau County Human Rights Law..." to give police officers immunity even for serious police misconduct, stated Edwards. "Legislator Lafazan should be encouraged to withdraw his self-serving bill." Under Lafazan's proposed bill, police officers would be designated a "protected class" with an "irrebuttable presumption" against being charged with police misconduct. It could also subject victims of police misconduct to both criminal and civil exposure if they complain or sue after an incident of police violence or misconduct. Edwards served as a Huntington Town Councilwoman from 2014 to 2018. She was the 2017 Democratic Party candidate for Huntington Supervisor, losing narrowly to Chad Lupinacci in 2017. Edwards is the daughter of a police officer - of which she reminded Lafazan, stating "My dad chose to be a police officer. The sacred protected classes didn't have the same choices..." .