Endorsement: Michael Henry for NY Attorney General

The race for New York State Attorney General, has suddenly become competitive - despite the Democratic incumbent's huge advantage in campaign money. New Yorkers should take this opportunity to reject a failed incumbent, and elect a principled legal executive, Michael Henry.
The incumbent, Letitia James, was elected in 2018, to succeed the disgraced Democrat Eric Schneiderman, who resigned in a sex scandal after abusing women with degrading racial slurs and sex acts.
James came from the far left of the Democrats, having been one of the organizers - together with Ex-NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio - of the extreme Left Working Families Party. The WFP calls for de-funding the police, and using law enforcement to disrupt and socially re-engineer society.
James has lived up to those radical objectives: She has used the Attorney General's office to target political opponents, and harass civil rights groups opposed by the radical Left. But on political corruption or holding Democrats to account for -things like the March 25, 2020 Governor's Order that ordered NY nursing homes to accept sick Covid patients into the homes - killing 15,000 - James has been complicit in delaying or burying the facts.
Under James, the Attorney General is a political office. There is nothing fair, neutral or "law enforcement" about it. She is a Left-wing Commissar running a radical extremist political Inquisition. The only thing holding her back is her incompetence.
Republican Michael Henry offers a better choice. Henry is an experienced trial attorney, who pledges to bring the Attorney General's Office back to basics: protecting the public from violent crime, criminal scams, and political corruption, and de-politicizing the office so that it can serve all the people.
James has refused to debate Henry - the only incumbent Democrat to duck all debates. A disgraceful act of arrogance and entitlement, and a statement of contempt by James for the voters and the news media.
The Leader endorses Michael Henry for New York Attorney General.