Energeia held Secret “Mock Town Board Zoning Meetings" with Huntington Officials, Developers

By Maureen Daly and Rupert Deedes
The secret cult-like "invitation-only" construction and land developer club called “Energeia” that has infiltrated Huntington and Suffolk government to coordinate mass rental apartment re-zoning and construction - like the pending Huntington Resolutions to re-zone Melville into thousands of rental apartments - held “fake” Town Board meetings - behind closed doors - with Huntington officials, private land use attorneys and apartment developers to coordinate mass rental apartment projects, according to recently uncovered documents.
Paul Tonna, a registered Lobbyist, former Suffolk County Legislator (R-West Hills) and current elected South Huntington Water Commissioner - and the founder of Energeia - rented out Amityville Village Hall to run a “mock” Huntington Town Board, with real Huntington officials.
Former Councilwoman Joan Cergol (D-Halesite) played the role of Supervisor and Huntington’s Director of Planning played the role of Councilman. Cergol was a sitting member on the Town Board at the time of the “mock” Town Board meeting. The Director of Planning is still serving.

The rest of the fake “Town Board” and those playing the role of “rowdy Town residents,” were land developers, construction officials, and a prominent Huntington land use attorney.
The “mock” Town Board meeting sought to “teach” land use attorneys how to push their rental apartment projects through, how to give a “presentation,” and how to deal with “real” town officials.
Cergol and the Director of Planning, who were serving in their official capacity, were guided on how to “coordinate” with land use attorneys and developers to get their land use projects through.
In addition to the “mock” Town Board meeting, The Leader also received photos showing Cergol going through the Energeia multi-day “Induction" program to become an official Energeia member.
Cergol and other inductees were told to design pro-Energeia propaganda posters - using children's crayons and sharpies - in

order to "groom" other potential members “of their kind” into enlisting and joining Energeia.
In addition, inductees were required to study materials on land use projects, inculcated with why mass rental apartment housing is good, and then “assignments” on the information taught, to prove they understood.
Some of the "lessons" that Tonna prepared for the inductees was to accuse Long Islanders of "racism;" that single family housing was "structurally racist;" and that "ethical land use" meant building mass rental apartments - with Tonna's paying lobbying clients coincidentally often being the owner-beneficiaries of those rental apartment re-zones.
Tonna once attended a religious Seminary - and earned degrees in Theology. Energeia mixes mind-control techniques from New Age religions and Old Believer religions; pop psychology; manipulative corporate "team building;" Liberation Theology; Christian Praxis; raw materialistic greed; Maoist Re-education; and a nasty strain of self-hatred and redemption.

The overtly religious aspect of Energeia is clear - with Biblical quotations; the liberal use of Cardinal red; and the references to secret Catholic religious sects - like Liberation Theology and Christian Praxis - some of which have been condemned by the Pope.
Perhaps coincidentally, Tonna named his PR company "Praxis Public Relations" which strangely coincides with the Marxist "Christian Praxis" movement.
"They tried to recruit me and when I asked, I was told Energeia was about 'ethics in government'" laughed one elected official who did not join Energeia.
A former official invited to a private Energeia dinner, said "They were talking about world hunger and world peace, but when I looked at the lip-smacking construction developers around the table, I couldn't imagine a group less capable or interested in world hunger."
Other Huntington officials who were enlisted and joined Energeia include former Suffolk Legislator William “Doc” Spencer (D-Centerport), Huntington Councilman Sal Ferro (R-Commack), and current Suffolk Legislator Rebecca Sanin (D-Dix Hills).
The Leader has obtained the full list of Energeia’s “secret” membership.
Stay tuned - We will be publishing more Energeia "Inductee" names - some powerful and shocking names - in the coming weeks.