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Gay Slurs, Coffee Hurled at Port Washington Starbucks

By Mark Demetropoulos

A local quarrel at the Port Washington Starbucks involving a mentally disturbed man hurling coffee and anti-gay slurs, resulted in the arrest of the man committing the assault.

Arrested for assault and harassment is Matthew Rowlinson, age 26, of Port Washington.

Local LGBTQ activists – such as perennial leftist candidate Melanie D’Arrigo - jumped on the assault as proof of anti-LGBTQ bias by Port Washington residents. But the victim later confirmed he was not gay or “trans.” And the Port Washington Police confirmed that the perpetrator is mentally disabled, and has a history of hurling coffee and insults at people on the street, in downtown Port Washington.

According to Port Washington Police Chief Kevin McCarroll, the incident happened on Saturday, July 1st, outside the Starbucks on Main Street in Port Washington.

It was a nice Saturday afternoon at approximately 4PM when the victim pulled up on a motorcycle and came upon Rowlinson who was muttering to himself, standing on the sidewalk just outside Starbucks.

Rowlinson then proceeded to shout anti-gay slurs at the victim, and hurled his hot Starbucks coffee at the man.

Because of the anti-gay insults hurled by Rowlinson, Chief McCarroll, put everyone on notice that the Port Washington Police Department does not tolerate hate crimes and was quoted as saying “There is a zero tolerance for hate crime in Port Washington.”

Port Washington community activist Melanie D’Arrigo, wasted no time in making this minor incident involving a mentally-disabled man into a political circus, to attack her political opponents.

“This attack occurred a day after the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples,” shouted D’Arrrigo at a press conference, trying to blame others for Rowlinson’s actions.

Rowlinson was charged by the Port Washington Police with third-degree assault and harassment and released on an Appearance Ticket. He is scheduled to be arraigned before the Nassau District Court on July 20th.


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