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Kathy Hochul's Cruel Forced Child Mask Mandates

"Forced child masking is child abuse," stated a local Mom, Cathie Gugliucci of Old Brookville, who has helped organize thousands of Long Island mothers against forced masking. Child masking is perhaps the cruelest part of two years of life-destroying political manipulation and mismanagement that millions of New York families and children have endured at the hands of the Cuomo-Hochul administration. This past week, the New York Supreme Court declared that NY Governor Kathy Hochul's forced child masking mandates were "unconstitutional" and "illegal" as being done by Executive fiat - without any authorization or input from the New York State legislature. This Court ruling came on the heels of an Order from newly-elected Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman (R-Long Beach) ending Hochul's forced child masking and vaxxing in Nassau school districts. Hochul protested that her mandates were due to expire on February 1st, begging for a few more days. But then Hochul filed an appeal - to permanently force back her mask mandates. The science is increasingly clear that mask mandates - particularly for children - do nothing to stop or slow the spread of Covid. But the negative health consequences can be profound: ingesting plastic particles; elevated blood CO2 levels; skin rashes and irritations; social sensory disruption for children; depression; social isolation; drug abuse; and suicide. in July, 2021, then Governor Andrew Cuomo ended mask mandates - leaving the choice to parents and local school districts. He made this decision after his Health Department consulted with the state's top doctors and scientists.. But Kathy Hochul is an ambitious politician, and she needed - like a Mafia initiate - to prove herself politically. So without any "scientific" or "medical" experts or data, Hochul announced in August that she would immediately re-impose forced child masking when she became Governor. Just because the powerful teachers unions wanted it. Hocul was happy to play along with Cuomo when he Ordered sick Covid patients into the nursing homes - infecting and killing over 15,000 New York seniors. And she was happy to do her part in the “cover-up" when her team falsified the death records to conceal over 10,000 of those deaths. Our schools have been reduced to expensive babysitting services - with child reading and math skills collapsing. And our children are being frightened and isolated. Last weekend, several thousand local parents joined Bruce Blakeman to demand the end of all New York State forced masking. The Leader agrees.


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