Kathy Hochul's Mad Power Grab

Over the past few weeks, New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued a flurry of unprecedented Orders and Mandates - declaring a "State of Emergency;" halting scheduled surgeries and medical procedures; forced-masking our school children; and imposing a statewide "mask or vax" mandate on all people and private retail businesses.
Never in NY history has one person - and especially one never elected to the position she now holds - asserted such sweeping and intrusive powers over something so personal and intimate as a person's scheduled medical treatments. Or so wantonly trampled upon people's basic freedoms and livelihoods - all with virtually no "science" or "medical" back-up.
Hochul became the "Accidental Governor" when her predecessor Andrew Cuomo resigned in August. Cuomo was forced-out over the killing - and later cover-up - of 15,000 nursing home seniors exposed by him to Covid; and the sexual harassment charges from over a dozen women.
During the 17 months after the nursing home and sex harassment scandals went public, Hochul played the "loyal lieutenant" to Cuomo. Only at the very end - when it was clear that Cuomo would be impeached - did Hochul finally speak up against her political mentor.
Now, facing a contested election for Governor, Hochul is displaying that same "leadership." Our freedoms; our children's health and education; the survival of thousands of businesses; and our economic viability are all subject to her politics. The cry that "Omicron is Coming" was Hochul's excuse for seizing power. Never mind that the medical data from South Africa - where Omicron originated - shows no increase in death rates. Every doctor and scientist who has treated Omicron has concluded that it is "milder" and "less lethal" than ordinary Covid.
But "the science" and "the medicine" have long ceased to have anything to do with Hochul's managing the Covid epidemic. Politicians hungry for power will do anything to get re-elected.
The widespread condemnation of Hochul's power-grabs is encouraging: Congressman Lee Zeldin (R-Suffolk) - the likely Republican nominee for Governor - blasted Hochul for her anti-freedom and anti-science agenda. And Bruce Blakeman, the Nassau County Executive-elect, has pledged to not enforce Hochul's mandates when he takes office in three weeks.
The only way to stop the unscientific and political power grabs by the likes of Hochul is to expose them - and oppose them - every time. And to support leaders - like Lee Zeldin and Bruce Blakeman - who are standing up for good science, good medicine, good education - and for our rights.