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Labriola, Saladino Head TOB Baby Formula Drive

By Maureen Daly

Councilman Steve Labriola, Supervisor Joe Saladino, and the Oyster Bay Town Board launched a "Baby Formula Donation Drive" last Sunday, to attempt to collect supplies of baby formula due to the national baby formula shortage.

The Town partnered with TOB resident Carmela Shimansky, who created the “One Parent to Another” Facebook group to help coordinate resources to parents in need. The network has grown to over 7,000 and has helped countless families during the formula shortage.

Residents are able to donate unopened, unexpired formula that will be distributed to families with babies, who are struggling to find formula during the nationwide shortage.

"The nationwide baby formula shortage is causing a crisis for many families throughout Long Island," stated Labriola. "We all know that once little ones move onto solid foods, families are often left with extra formula in their pantries."

"We ask that you open your hearts and cupboards by donating any unexpired, unused formula for families facing shortages and empty store shelves." added Town Supervisor Joe Saladino.

"The goal here is really to help those families who can't get to the stores, who can't go from place to place trying to find what they need," added Shimansky. "We hope to reach as many people as possible so that they can provide for their families."

TOB Receiver of Taxes Jeff Pravato and Councilman Thomas Hand were on hand to assist the baby formula drive.

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