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Navy SEAL Museum Opens in Suffolk

By Priya Persaud

The Lt. Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum opened in Sayville to honor the Navy SEALs who sacrificed their lives when serving our country. Murphy’s heroism was portrayed in the movie “Lone Survivor.”

Murphy was a Long Island native who pursued his passion of joining the military to become a Navy SEAL. He was deployed to Afghanistan. However, on June 28th, 2005, Murphy and his teammates’ position was compromised in the craggy mountains of Afghanistan.

While the battle progressed, the SEAL team faced heavy enemy fire. In a selfless and heroic feat, Murphy left cover to gain radio communication with the quick action response force of the team.

The radio message was sent. But Murphy, only 29- years-old, was killed along with 18 other courageous service members. The operation was named Operation Red Wings.

To honor of the sacrifices made by Navy SEALs like Murphy, the Navy opened the museum for Navy SEALS in the country in Sayville, exactly 17 years after Operation Red Wings.

This museum “is about the Navy SEALs, the Navy SEAL experience, and the history of Naval Special Warfare from the UDTs up through the present time,” said Daniel Murphy, Michael Murphy’s father.

Within the museum, exhibits include the early roots of the SEALs in World War II, the Underwater Demolition Teams that served throughout the Korean War, the official construction of the Navy SEALs during the Vietnam War, and the SEAL Team Six killing of Osama Bin Laden. The museum also features various displays of weaponry and gear used by the Navy SEALs. There is even a SEAL Adventure Ride.

Museum director and retired Navy Seal Chris Wyllie said, “It’s amazing talking with the youth of today, where they’re showing excitement and interest in history, the military, and being a SEAL.”

The museum also runs the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, an organization for youths to learn leadership skills and values while giving back to the community through volunteer work.

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