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Op-Ed: What Trump’s Win Means for America

By Steve Levy

The sense of relief that came over me as I heard Pennsylvania put former President Donald Trump over the top was one of enormous proportions. I was exuberant — not because I was a Trump fan — but because a roadblock was put in place to the march toward socialism that was picking up steam in our nation.

I agree with my Democratic friends who believe Donald Trump is a nasty, narcissistic, undisciplined and overly impulsive candidate for office, but he also represented the one last obstacle to a radical turn that was about to take place in America.

Elon Musk hit it on the head when he noted that this would be the last election in which a nationwide Republican would be competitive if the Democrats had prevailed.

That’s because they were preparing to legalize the twenty million illegal aliens they purposely brought over the border with the hope their allegiance to the Democrats who allowed them in would basically eliminate any remaining swing states. The entire United States of America would become one big California.

California and New York, for example, have become one-party monopolies without any checks and balances against the radical leftist agenda that is being foisted upon the public by the extremists who control those states with veto-proof majorities.

The leftist radicals in Washington and some states already have:

  • decriminalized shoplifting

  • defunded the police

  • brought pornography into our schools

  • taught our children that white people are oppressors and minorities are hopeless, helpless victims

  • banned important oil and natural gas pipelines in the U.S. while approving gas pipelines from Russia, thereby making our European allies dependent on the energy being provided by their mortal enemies

  • banned the drilling of oil and gas on public land, yet begged our enemies in Venezuela and Iran to pump more of the same

  • eviscerated safeguards to the voting process by opposing voter ID, diluting signature verification on mail-in ballots and preventing the purging of dead people and illegal aliens from the voter rolls

  • spent trillions of dollars unnecessarily, thereby leading to a crippling 20% increase in inflation over four years and interest rates of 7%, and an overall decrease of $2,000 per family, after a $6,000 increase under Trump.

  • promoted the irreversible castration and sterilization of minors confused about their gender, while allowing males to dominate women’s sports and invade the privacy of their locker rooms

Under a Harris term, we could have expected:

  • a push to double the capital gains tax 

  • significantly increasing the corporate tax, thereby leading to an exodus of U.S. corporate dollars to overseas accounts

  • a push to tax the capital gains Americans accumulated within their 401(k)s and IRAs, even if they didn’t cash them out

  • a push to end Trump’s 2017 tax plan, which doubled the standard deduction for the typical working and middle-class families

So, my exuberance was not so much about what Donald Trump will do, but rather what Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and AOC can no longer do.

Frankly, they scared the hell out of me. I truly believed that a Harris victory would change America for the worse and put us on a path toward socialism as seen in Venezuela and Brazil.

There’s no doubt that Trump will continue to drive us crazy with his erratic, uncontrolled style. He will often say the wrong thing at the wrong time. His press conferences will be cringeworthy. He’ll needlessly insult his colleagues and other world leaders. All of this will be repulsive. But, I’ll live with it, because the alternative was so, so much worse.

Trump will be embarrassing from time to time, but Harris would have fundamentally changed America from a free market land of opportunity to a socialist nation that stifles free speech the elites manipulatively deem to be “misinformation.”

She would have empowered more woke policies and emboldened the evil Soros family, the billionaire leftist benefactors whose mission is to destroy America.

We dodged a bullet this November 5. Now let’s work together for the things that will bring us together…safer streets, lower inflation, energy independence, secure borders and international security.

Nothing will unite us more than success.


Steve Levy is President of Common Sense Strategies, a political consulting firm. He served as Suffolk County Executive, as a NYS Assemblyman, and host of “The Steve Levy Radio Show.” He is the author of “Solutions to America’s Problems” and “Bias in the Media.” , Twitter  @SteveLevyNY,

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