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Oyster Bay Republican Club Installs Officers

By Mark Demetropoulos

This past week the Oyster Bay Republican Club held their Annual Installation of Officers at a Brunch held at the Café Al Dente in Oyster Bay. The Master of Ceremonies was the Executive Leader of the Club, Thomas "TD" Galassio.

In attendance were Nassau County GOP Chairman Joseph Cairo, Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Nassau County Comptroller Elaine Phillips and former Assemblyman Armand D’Amato.

The officers installed were President Stephen Pinzino; Vice President Edward McEvoy; Vice President Danielle Galasso; Vice President Thomas Cassino; Secretary Thomas Bradke; Treasurer Margaret Riso; Social Activities Director Susan Troncone; Membership Lorraine Fuller and Sargent At Arms Richard Niznik.

Pinzino thanked the officials present, and pledged that Oyster Bay will “continue to be the leader in supporting Republican principles and candidates” locally and nationally.

Samantha Goetz, the Republican nominee for Nassau County Legislature, in north shore District 18, spoke to the group and pledged that she will “hold the line on taxes” and bring ethical representation.

Supervisor Saladino introduced Goetz by telling the group to “remember to support Samantha Goetz - because she 'gets the job done.'”

Goetz is being opposed by the slippery Joshua Lafazan, who just moved into the district from Syosset to run against Goetz. Lafazan is being investigated by the DA for hiding a secret $100,000 “loan” that he is alleged to have funneled into his failed 2022 congressional campaign. Lafazan also took $700,000 in stolen funds from indicted criminal crypto-fraudster Samuel Bankman-Fried.

The event was a rousing success as over fifty people in attendance and enjoyed a scrumptious brunch which included – Scrambled eggs, french toast, bacon, sausages, salmon, bagels and fruit.

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