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Parents Rally to "Unmask Our Children"

By Niall Fitzgerald

Multiple rallies attracting thousands of Long Islanders were held by parents to protest the continued masking of children at school. Masking of children is still being ordered by Governor Andrew Cuomo, despite a 97% vaccination rate among the most vulnerable, and Covid infections and deaths dropping to insignificant levels

"The medical science is clear that children are at minimal risk from Covid and do not transmit Covid to others. And that masking raises blood CO2 levels and could be harmful to children long-term." stated Alfred Piro, MD, himself a parent of a young child. "The school masking policy in New York is illiterate and backwards. Teachers should mask. Children should not."

The rallies were held in multiple locations across both Nassau and Suffolk counties.

"When are we going to let our children get back to normal, and stop obeying every stupid politically-motivated diktat from a corrupt Governor?" asked one Locust Valley mother.

The Commack School District voted last week to make children's mask-wearing "optional," but then was overruled by Cuomo's office, who ordered Commack schools to rescind their guidance.

Cuomo has defied the Centers for Disease Control, to impose additional restrictions on New York. Many of Cuomo's orders are clearly not "medical science-based,"but motivated by Cuomo's need to placate the teacher's unions and other powerful groups while he is under investigation for impeachment.

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