Saladino: We Are Placing Mailboxes to Receive "Letters to Santa"
By Mike O'Reilly
Oyster Bay Supervisor Joe Saladino and the TOB Town Board have been deputized as "honorary elves" for the Christmas season to help Santa receive and answer children's "letters to Santa."
Specially-christened mailboxes are being placed in Oyster Bay to allow children to send their Christmas lists directly to Santa Clause at the North Pole.
These bright red, special mailboxes will accept children’s letters through Friday, December 15th.
The Town of Oyster Bay will then forward these letters directly to Santa at the North Pole. Letters that are delivered to one of these special mailboxes by December 15th will be answered before Christmas by Santa himself - as long as there is a legible return address.
No postage is needed to deliver a letter to Santa.
The colorful red mailboxes can be found at the following locations:
· Town Hall North, 54 Audrey Ave., Oyster Bay
· Town Hall South, 977 Hicksville Road, Massapequa
· Ice Skating Rink, 1001 Stewart Ave., Bethpage.
There is one other way for the children to get their letter to Santa.
Letters can also be dropped off at the Town’s Toys for Tots “Cruise-Thru’ collection drive this Saturday, December 2nd, at John Burns Park from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The folks there will make sure your letter gets sent out directly to Santa.
Thank you to all who made this possible !