Sea Cliff Bank Robber Arrested

By Chris O'Neill
On July 8, 2022, a Sea Cliff man, Anthony Trentacosta, age 30, was arrested for attempted bank robbery of a Bank of America branch.
According to police, Trentacosta attempted the bank robbery on July 6, 2022 at the Bank of America branch located at 3330 Park Avenue in Wantaugh. He approached a female teller and gave her a note demanding US currency. The teller was behind bullet-proof glass, and did not comply. Trentacosta then fled the bank through rear doors empty-handed.
Trentacosta is charged with Attempted Robbery 3rd Degree, which is a class D felony and is the lowest level of robbery charge, levied when there is no weapon but when force is used or even implied. It carries a maximum term of seven years behind bars if the suspect had committed another felony within the previous 10 years. Otherwise, probation is possible.
Trentacosta had recently been arrested for two domestic violence incidents on June 19th and July 8th. For those incidents, he was charged with Criminal Mischief 4th Degree and Criminal Obstruction of Breathing. Both are misdemeanors and both carry maximum penalties of one year in prison.