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Stopping Long Island's Political Corruption

Long Island has a sad history of attracting, nurturing and tolerating corrupt politicians - as the guilty plea by ex-Congressman George Santos this week added yet another notch in the long dreary record of corruption in office.

This week also saw the federal indictment of former congressional candidate Michelle Bond, who spent some $5 million in stolen crypto money - lavishly provided by her boyfriend Ryan Salame, now himself a convicted felon. Salame is the ex-partner of FTX head Samuel Bankman-Fried, also a convicted felon serving a 25 year prison sentence for crypto-currency fraud.

SBF and Salame cast a wide net in 2022, corrupting and disbursing over $600,000 in stolen FBX money to failed congressional candidate Joshua Lafazan (who finished a poor third in the Democratic primary), and nearly $1 million to ex-Hempstead Supervisor and failed congressional candidate Laura Gillen (who lost to Anthony D'Esposito),

But the corruption in federal races pales compared to the local scene:  Ex-Suffolk DA Thomas Spota was convicted of running the DA's office like a Mafia capo - obstructing FBI investigations, setting-up clean cops, and covering-up police brutality.  One of Spota's enforcers was ex-Suffolk Police Chief James Burke - now a convicted felon for beating prisoners, suborning perjury, and obstructing FBI criminal investigations.  Burke is again under indictment - now for soliciting public sex from men in a children's park.

Nassau saw the corruption of former Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, who is now serving a 12 year prison term for corruption and kick-backs.

It is said that "the best antiseptic for political corruption is daylight."

Meaning a vigilant free press to investigate and expose corruption. Backed up by a vigilant law enforcement system not afraid to investigate and call the powerful to justice when the facts show corruption.

This newspaper was the first news organ to call out George Santos's corruption and fraud. It wasn't easy.

Powerful political leaders warned us not to expose Santos.  And Santos targeted this newspaper with threats of lawsuits and political retaliation.  He even tried to have the then-7-year-old child of one of our reporters "banned" from a children's Halloween party.  Nasty, petty, creepy stuff.

In the end, political corruption thrives on indifference and cowardice  Just "look the other way..."  

For 80 years, this newspaper has refused to "look the other way" - and decent people on Long Island are all the better for it.  

The Leader, The North Shore's Leading Weekly |

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