LV’s Robert Hendriks Killed in Afganistan
Corporal Robert A. Hendriks, a Marine reservist from Locust Valley, was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on Monday. The...

Fast Times at Georgetown Prep
Two and a half months ago, this newspaper endorsed the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to become an Associate Justice on the US...

No Bridge/Tunnel Rally Set for March
Senator Carl Marcellino is spearheading a stop the tunnel/bridge event on Thursday, March 1st, at 10:30 AM at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial...

Rallies on Gun Legislation
BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT ON LONG ISLAND On Saturday, March 24th, Congressmen Tom Suozzi and Peter King will join Long Island high school...

GC Man Accused of Showing Porn to Child at Car Dealership
A Glen Cove man stands accused of showing a 4-year-old child sexually explicit material while at a Roslyn car dealership. This happened...

Glen Cove City Art Project
A popup artsandcraftsexhibit took place recently in Glen Cove at the historic Coles Building on Glen Street, across from the restored...

Robot Revolution at Friends
More than 100 adults and students packed the Friends Academy Field House on Saturday, November 18th from 9am to 2pm. The cheers in the...